Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 random thangy thangs

1) I have no clue how to "do the stanky leg".
2) I would eat sushi everyday if I could.
3) I love Harry Potter more than Edward Cullen.
4) But truth be told I love Edward too. Embarrasing.......
5) My favorite vacation EVER was a Carnival cruise.

6) I dream about when I lived in Maryland all the time. Even though that was like 20 years ago, I still miss it.
7) At one point I was into collecting souvenir shot glasses. Of course I lost interest. Now I have a zillion chessy shot glasses and nothing to do with them.
8) I look like my mom when she was younger and I think that's cool.

9) We had a dog but I lost interest in him when he grew up. Bad Mommy :(

10) I love eating at "The Melting Pot". It's an incredibly expensive (but worth it) fondue restaurant.

11) I secretly want an iphone although I always make fun of them.
12) I hate germs.
13) When I was little I would pretend to still believe in Santa Claus (even when I didn't) so I could get more presents.
14) I lived in Germamy for a few years.
15) Facebook/Myspace friend requests make me giddy.
16) This was me
17) I don't know the second thing I would do if I had to ride in an airplane. The first thing would be pee my pants.
18) I'll be the big 3-0 in less than three years and I can't wait!
19) I can't stand alcohol. Just the smell of it makes me gag.
20) I lived in Kansas City, Missouri for a year after college.
21) Although I was either sick or on bedrest for the majority of my pregnancy, I look back at it
as a happy and exciting time.

22) I absolutely love those big tins of assorted popcorn that people get around Christmas time.
23) One day I will create vitamin cupcakes....vitamin brownies.....vitamin rootbeer......vitamin rice crispie get the picture.
24) I love rap.
25) There's this girl and she's stolen my heart.....she calls me mom.

I love my Teagan because she is the best.

So, T-baby is sleeping. She's my thumbsuckin' angel! It's cheesy but I love her more and more everyday. I get overwhelmed with emotion when I think of her. I take parenting SO seriously that it makes me freak out sometimes. In a world where girls are having babies left and right, I feel that the true job of parenting is being lost. These days it seems like having a baby is just something you do because the condom broke. Well, I've been planning my baby for years. No surprises here! Like I said, I take my responsibility as Teagan's mom pretty seriously. If we as parents don't raise her and teach her right, then who will? Some (but of course not all) of my early year goals as Teagan's mom are 1) read to her everyday 2) cuddle as much as possible 3)use big words so her vocabulary will be great 3) Try very hard to find alternate ways of saying "no" (because I very very very much dislike it when parents say "no" so much to their kids that the only word their kid likes to say is "no") 4) make my own baby food (minus nasty preservatives of store bought food) 5) breastfeed as long as possible 6) give her 1,000 kisses a day 7) Say "I Love You" a lot. The list goes on and on. I wish I had a couple of hours to write everything down. :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Between my laziness and my forgetting my blogspot password over and over again, I have obviously been neglecting my blogging! So let's get right into it. Starting tomorrow I am going to start working out. I swear! I dropped all of my pregnancy weight pretty quickly by just doing nothing but I still have some tummy chub. Although to be perfectly honest that chub was there even before I became pregnant. So in order to be smokin hhhhhhhot this summer in my two piece, I gotta get to doing my crunches! Here's to blogging more and watching VH1 reality shows less. Oh, who am I kidding? "For the Love of Ray J" and "I Love Money 2" are premiering tomorrow. I am a reality show junkie and I needs my fix!