Tuesday, May 11, 2010

She talks like a "white girl"

This was a statement that I had never ever heard until I moved to Louisiana when I was 13. I didn’t understand what it meant. Seriously confused, I had to go home to ask my Mom and Dad to explain it to me. Most of all I didn’t understand why the way I spoke made people hate me and want to harm me. Apparently if you speak a certain way, it means that you think you are better than other people. As a quiet, nice, timid 13 year old, I didn’t understand why people would think this about me. And when I say people I mean black girls. When I moved to Louisiana I was excited to be in a school with so many people the same color as me. With my Dad being in the military, I grew up in majority white neighborhoods and schools. Well, I suffered through 8th grade with girls literally hating me, calling me names, and threatening me. Girls I had never met in my life would corner me in the bathroom and threaten me. Crazy right? I guess word travels fast. If a few people think something about you, it doesn’t take long for everyone to believe the same thing. I think I make a great friend and there were many many many black girls over the years that I could have been friends with but unfortunately they never took the time out to get to know me. Yes, I obviously know that I don't talk like most think a black person “should” talk. I was raised around a lot of white people so that was the result. But why was it such a big deal? I’ve never in my life been snobby or mean to anyone. I would never talk about someone if they had a stutter or if they “looked poor” or if they were a different nationality. So it confused me tremendously why someone would talk about me just because I pronounced words a certain way. This lasted all the way through high school. Fortunately I made a great group of friends who got to know me and loved me. Because of them, it made all the talk behind my back harder to hear. Obviously this was years ago and it’s not a problem now but I can’t help but think about my sweet baby. It would be no surprise if she speaks like me. There are so many messed up things going on in schools these days. I can’t imagine how things will be when she is in school. Not only do I have to worry about things like a random kid bringing a gun to school, teen pregnancy and her first heartbreak; I also have to worry about my sweet girl coming home with a black eye because some girls didn’t like the way she pronounced words. It’s nonsense. I have never been in a fight in my life. I have never even raised my voice in an argument (besides the usual teenager/parent arguments). But when it comes to my family I am protective as a bear. If anyone does anything to harm my family members especially my child, I’ll be put in jail over the things I would do to that person. So as you can see my protective meter is off the charts. Obviously those girls in my past were simply trying to push their insecurities and low self esteem on me but how do you explain that to a little girl who is hurting because girls don’t like her for any logical reason. My words won’t mean a thing to her and my heart breaks just thinking about it. It’s up to the parents to teach their children not to hate someone over something so ridiculous as the way they talk. I just want to hold her in my arms and protect her forever. I love her so…..and I really really really don't want to go to jail.